What's it all about??
Inquiring minds want to know.......
ARTMENTORING.......is an ongoing internet program of ARTmentoring with me, Linda Daly Baker, AWS-df, NWS as an extension of my workshops. Many of you, after spending a week with me, have asked for personal critiquing and further career recommendations. This WebMentoring will offer the same one-on-one instruction and mentoring that has been so popular. Interested? What will be included? What will it cost??
What will be included? What will it cost??

$ 10.00 a month recurring

MY SESSIONS.....will be published monthly and will require both a paid subscription and a password to enter. What will they include?
ARTmentoring will be a continuation of the categories below, and will be presented in writing, short videos, and lots of visual information.
Composition is KING... challenges in each column to increase your knowledge of the principles & elements of design
According to the Experts...Interviews and advice from a well known juror and award winner in each column
A Bit of Wisdom... A quote to ponder along with discussion on the meaning & inspiration
Glancing Back...A few stories of CRAZY art happenings and how I coped without quitting!!
In the Spotlight...I will pick someone each column to showcase as a current award winner or star
What would you like to know...Questions from you!
Coming up - Shows to enter, banquets to attend, events
On Another Note - Let's talk!!! All things ART!
& of course....
Linda Daly Baker, AWS-df, NWS

Why would you join?
As a full time professional artist, my career has taken me around the world and given me a lifetime of experience which I love to share. My favorite part of my journey has been the teaching. I have taught across the United States as well as China, Turkey, and Europe.
My journey started as an art major in college. But as many do, I married, had children and was active in our family business. It''s not everyday you meet an artist who also builds racing engines!! At any rate, I realized one day that it is was now or never for my art, and that very day, only having painted occasionally, I made the decision.
Because I was starting from the beginning, I had to hone my skills, paint profusely, and build my career. I started selling, garnered galleries, printed reproductions, entered shows, won awards, and started teaching and mentoring. This journey has provided a lot of experience (not all good) and a great deal of information on dealing with the art world.
My experience gives me the confidence to help you through the maze and hopefully benefit from my mistakes and successes. Along the way, the one thing I truly wanted, was someone to guide me and validate my decisions. A mentor!!!!! Someone who had been THERE!!!!!

Listed below are a string of my credentials, not to brag, but to help you understand the depth of my experience. Please come join me!!!
Board positions of National Watercolor Society - NWS and International Society of Experimental Artists - ISEA
For more samples of my work along with my resume, please visit my personal website: www.LindaDalyBaker.com